April 8, 2015
Yesterday Jim met with the speech pathologist who did a thorough assessment. She is putting an exercise regime together to help him strengthen some smaller muscles to aid in word formation. He will continue to meet with her a couple times a week to get this going.
Today we met with a naturopath in Barrie. He has a unique way of looking at the body to determine what is causing problems. We spent several hours with him for assessment. He has discovered a few issues that need to be cleared up:
-low stomach acid
-a polio virus in 2 of his teeth
-parasites in his stomach
-a reaction to paladium (found in the white gold of his wedding ring) that causes problems in the bronchii
-some problems in the kidney and spleen (some inflammation and I don't remember the rest)
He has received some supplements to help fix these up. The doctor is quite sure that these treatments will produce positive results. We will see him again in about 10 weeks.
We were able to visit with our dear friend, Rachel, following our appointment. She faces her own challenges with a return of cancer, so prayers are appreciated for her too.
Thank yo all for your continued support.