Thursday, 2 July 2015

July Update

It's been an interesting couple of weeks since my last post.  I've retired! That comes with mixed feelings but mostly good ones.  The holidays are part of a regular routine so the change will be there in September.
Jim's speech seems to be declining a  little faster and we are looking forward to getting a machine called an Accent which will speak for him.  It is on order and he will need some training but with some practice it will help him communicate with family and friends.  Even I have difficulty understanding him much  of the time - so frustrating for everyone.
The Bi-Pap machine arrived.  It is used at night and gives his lung muscles a rest.  He is still adjusting to using this machine and sleeps with it as often as without it.  Fortunately, his sleep is still pretty good.
Earlier this week we went to see the naturopath in Barrie again.  He has prescribed many vitamins and preparations to be taken at specific times and in specific amounts  We will need to put all of it on a full sized calendar to keep track of it.  He believes it will help clear out toxins and give him more energy.  This should help slow down the progression of the disease.
We spent a day in Kingston visiting with Jim's two sisters and families and a cousin.  It was good to connect with them but it was emotional too.
Now we are sitting at the cottage and enjoying some beautiful sunshine and wonderful scenery.  We look forward to seeing our kids and grandkids tomorrow.  The support we get from everyone, especially our family, continues to feed our souls.  We are truly blessed.