How's Jim doing? That is the question I get asked almost daily. It is also a question that is difficult to answer. From day to day there is not much changing and most days things continue routinely. His breathing is good - he seems to have got rid of all the coughing following his heavy drug dose while in the hospital for pneumonia in December. His digestion is still problematic with little weight gain and very loose stools.
Routine days seem to work best but he likes to be interrupted with visits and short outings. He continues to spend constructive time at the computer and is being challenged with filling out tax forms right now. There are so many more things to include when you add medical and disability benefits.
Mentally, there are ups and downs. Some days are restful and other days leave him longing for his final home. Most of the time I am at peace with the situation and enjoy keeping myself busy. Other days I feel less productive and wonder what the future will bring. It's in these situations that we learn to rely on our Heavenly Father and focus on Jesus. That's easy for the head to say and harder for the heart to do.
We have borrowed a wheelchair fitted for him and look forward to getting out when the weather is better. We are actively looking for a wheelchair accessible motor home with the thought of making traveling long distances a bit easier. That way we could still get to Wisconsin for visiting. If anyone can point us in the right direction, we are open to advice. Most camper doors are 24 inches and the wheelchair needs at least 28. It is hard for Jim to get up and down the stairs.
So, spring is here - at least by the calendar. We are thankful for the bright skies and the promise of warmer weather. We praise God for the beauty of His creation and look for His direction in all the other little things too. Easter is around the corner and we live with the knowledge that Jesus paid the price for it all and prepares a home for our eternity. What a Hope! What a future!