Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Brief update.

       Today Jim went to see a respirologist.  (I am learning that there are many more jobs that I'd never heard of or thought of before.)  A while ago he had completed a breathing test (standard procedure) and the results were poor.  Part of that, we felt, was due to his being unable to get a tight seal around the breathing tube because of his weak lip following lip cancer surgery a few years ago.  The respirologist did the test again and the results were somewhat better but not great.  He has only partial use of his lungs - the muscles are waning.  This has not affected his normal functioning - he can still do stairs without being short of breath.  However, a fast walk tires him quicker than it used to. He will get an appointment soon to teach him how to breath better.  I hope to go with him for that.  The respirologist did say that the oxygen levels in his blood are normal and that is good.
         Most of the time it is easy to go on and put the disease out of mind.  However, each little set back makes me realize that the future is not so rosy.  Jim has a remarkable sense of well being and makes a point of enjoying lots of little things.  He makes plans for the summer and looks forward to spending time with family and friends.  I try to stay positive too, not only for his sake, but for me too.  I am learning that God has a plan through all of this and will try to take only one day at a time.

1 comment:

Glynis said...

And that is what you need to do, Annette - one step at a time. You both show remarkable courage and faith. What an amazing testimony. Many would crumble at what you are both facing but you journey on in the strength of God. Glad to hear that there are a few 'normals' in the testing. We continue to pray for Jim and you. I think that trip last week with all 'the boys' was an amazing memory for them all. Good for Jim for organizing and getting them all together. That is what life is all about - cherished relationship moments. (Even if they all came back with empty nets!) Thanks for sharing, Annette.