Wednesday, 16 September 2015

September - retired!

Yes, I am not teaching.  And I'm enjoying it.  Life is way too busy to think about the details of going to work!  And the weather doesn't hurt either.
Yesterday, we went to London for another major check-up.  It seems Jim has lost about 19 pounds since our May appointment!  Too much.  So plans are underway for a feeding tube.  I must say I never expected to be looking forward to this addition but it will be good not to have to encourage him to eat more and to find food he doesn't choke on.  He will still be able to eat when he wishes to.  The procedure (not a surgery!) will be in 3 weeks or so. No time has been booked yet.
We are also now the owners of a suction pump that can be used to clean out his mouth when extra food or phlegm is lodged there.  We need to pick up a Yankauer catheter - should have got it when we picked up the machine but thought it would come with it.  That looks like what the dentist uses in your mouth to clean out stuff.
Yesterday was a hard day for Jim.  He experienced many coughing spells and found he was extremely tired last night.  He had another choking spell this morning and besides being a little scary, it zaps him of his energy.  However a good nap this afternoon and he's feeling much better.  He also ate and drank a lot more today.
His speech is pretty much limited to his machine.  What a life saver that machine is.  He is using it with more ease and initiates some conversation with it.
We hope to leave for some holidays on Monday by flying to Newfoundland.  I hope that he finds this relaxing and that we can manage all the machines he hopes to take along.  Our friends might find that they will have to carry more than they planned!
As always we continue to trust that God is walking with us through this - both the tough times and the good times.  We still covet your prayers and support.

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