Thursday, 19 February 2015

Follow up Appointment

Today we journeyed back to London for a follow up appointment with Dr. Shoesmith.  As before, we were impressed with her caring attitude and attention.  She reminded us that the blood test done in January in London had shown a high level of inflammation which was unaccounted for.  A follow up blood test done in Palmerston showed normal levels.  She felt it was good to check further and did a lumbar puncture and had another blood test done.  We should know the results by tomorrow, Monday at the latest.  What might it mean?  A high level of inflammation might indicate something else going on in the brain and could very well be treatable.  The likelihood of this is slim, given the normal blood test results from the second blood test. We will keep you informed.
Meanwhile, life goes on and things have not changed much.  Jim is taking some medication which might slow down the progress and his body has accepted this without side effects.  He has also made an appointment to see a naturopath who deals mostly with ALS patients and looks forward to hearing what he might say.  That will be in April.
We remain at peace about the situation and know that this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.  God is our strength and our salvation.  May we rest in His almighty arms.


Anja said...

thanks for the update

Olga Shaffer said...

It's so good to hear that you are at peace in the midst of all this change. That is truly a blessing from God. I'm Also so glad to hear Uncle Jim hasn't had any side effects to medications. That can be such an added challenge. Thanks for the update. You are in our prayers.